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Typesetting Service of the Grimm_Database available: powered by LaTeX
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The »Grimm_Database« consists of electronic full-text documents of the Grimm Brothers' works. They are all downloadable for free. In consideration for system compatibility all these documents are created as plain text files in ASCII encoding, so you could conveniently view and edit them with whatever text editor you use on your computer-platform which might differ respectively.
There are neither Umlauts nor Eszett (scharfes s) in the ASCII encoding, however, and not a few published essays and articles of the Grimm Brothers contain multilingual documents (more than one language in the same document). Therefore the markup system of LaTeX is adopted in order to cope with non-English characters as a whole. In case that non-latin letters are also used in a document, I follow the standard control sequences defined in LaTeX-packages such as Babel for Greek and Cyrillic alphabets, and yfonts / oldgerm for German »Gebrochene Schriften (i.e. Haralambous' Gotisch, Schwabacher and Fraktur typefaces)«. See the Table 1: Example of Non-English Characters Mapping and other Input Conventions.
Each document is provided in plain text file (*.txt), and the whole texts are also in compressed forms (*.zip) available for the network portability.
A powerful searching engine pnamazu is functioning on the web, too.
input-form in text_database | output or original characters |
"a "o "u "s "A "O "U \`e \'e \^o \c{c} \ae \dh \o \th | ä ö ü ß Ä Ö Ü è é ô ç æ ð ø þ |
,,German quotation marks`` | ![]() |
,simple quotation marks` | ![]() |
>>inversed guillemets<< | ![]() |
{\frq}simple inversed guillemets{\flq} | ![]() |
der heil.\,Petrus | ![]() |
-- (Gedankenstrich) | ![]() |
\dasheisst | ![]() |
\dasist | ![]() |
\zumbeispiel | ![]() |
66\textsuperscript{b} | ![]() |
\dots | ![]() |
\textgreek{>'anjrwpoi} | ![]() |
\textcyrillic{proxivu} | ![]() |
\textfrak{K"onigs:tochter}[*] | ![]() |
\footnote{Beispiel} | produces a footnote with Beispiel as its argument. |
\begin{verse} ... \\ ... \end{verse} |
displays a poetry environment, lines within a stanza are separated by a \\ command. |
[*]: If you use khm package, you can get the same output in broken letters with the ordinary input-string K"onigs"|tochter. (round s should be unbound in this case just as it should be with the word Auf"|lage.) See: khm: a new LaTeX package for typesetting German documents in broken letters (gebrochenen Schriften))
A sample of the text_database looks as below:
% @book{bg_hr_khm_1857, % author = "Br{\"{u}}der Grimm", % editor = "Heinz R{\"{o}}lleke", % title = "{K}inder- und {H}ausm{\"{a}}rchen", % publisher = "Philipp Reclam jun. GmbH {\&} Co.", % address = "Stuttgart, Germany", % year = "1995", % volume = "1", % series = "Universal-Bibliothek Nr. 3191", % isbn = "3-15-003191-5", % language = "German", % colophon = "BR{\"{U}}DER GRIMM % Kinder- und Hausm{\"{a}}rchen % AUSGABE LETZTER HAND % MIT DEN ORIGINALANMERKUNGEN % DER BR{\"{U}}DER GRIMM % MIT EINEM ANHANG % S{\"{A}}MTLICHER, NICHT IN ALLEN AUFLAGEN % VER{\"{O}}FFENTLICHTER M{\"{A}}RCHEN % UND HERKUNFTSNACHWEISEN HERAUSGEGEBEN % VON HEINZ R{\"{O}}LLEKE % PHILIPP RECLAM JUN. STUTTGART, 1980/1995" } % % Originaltext f"ur das LaTeX-Quelldokument % bearbeitet und redigiert von Y. Nagata, am 24. Dezember 2000 % \maerchentitel{KHM 1: Der Froschk"onig oder der eiserne Heinrich} \markright{KHM 1: Der Froschk"onig oder der eiserne Heinrich} In den alten Zeiten, wo das W"unschen noch geholfen %S.29 hat, lebte ein K"onig, dessen T"ochter waren alle sch"on, %S.29 aber die j"ungste war so sch"on, da"s die Sonne selber, die %S.29 doch so vieles gesehen hat, sich verwunderte, sooft sie %S.29 ihr ins Gesicht schien. Nahe bei dem Schlosse des K"onigs %S.29 lag ein gro"ser dunkler Wald, und in dem Walde unter %S.29 einer alten Linde war ein Brunnen; wenn nun der Tag %S.29 recht hei"s war, so ging das K"onigskind hinaus in den %S.29 Wald und setzte sich an den Rand des k"uhlen Brunnens; %S.29 und wenn sie Langeweile hatte, so nahm sie eine goldene %S.29 Kugel, warf sie in die H"ohe und fing sie wieder; und das %S.29 war ihr liebstes Spielwerk. %S.29 Nun trug es sich einmal zu, da"s die goldene Kugel der %S.29 K"onigstochter nicht in ihr H"andchen fiel, das sie in die %S.29 H"ohe gehalten hatte, sondern vorbei auf die Erde schlug %S.29
The »Grimm_Database« is prepared mainly on purpose to enable you to have an efficient tool with which you could improve your research, learning and teaching activities. It is especially useful when you look up certain words in huge documents. But also, as minimum subsets of LaTeX commands are embedded in each document beforehand, you could easily convert it into a LaTeX input source file by adding just a few necessary commands of LaTeX's generic markup. In some cases, e.g. in the »Kinder- und Hausmärchen«, a couple of sample LaTeX input source files are also provided. Thus with the help of LaTeX you could easily produce a professionally formatted document. See Hints on usage, 2. For Print.
But please note that the »Grimm_Database« is NOT AT ALL substitute for original printed matters but just a complement to them. You absolutely need original books whenever academic accuracies are required. Furthermore you would find the »Grimm_Database« firmly affined with the originals because of the fact that the original page information is embedded in the documents at each end of the lines with the % character ahead. That enables you to check your searching results always against the original books exactly. See Hints on usage, 1. For Search & GREP. As the revisers of the text_database have no intention of infringing a copyright of the holder, all the documents of the text_database are only distributable in electronic or printed form under conditions below:
Since the text_database is prepared in plain text files, you could serch a certain word within a file easily and quickly.
Moreover if you could use GREP (Global search for Regular Expression and Print) function with your text editor, you could search a certain word not only within a file but also in many files simultaneously.
The GREP function is very powerful and its potential could hardly be described thoroughly here. The searching example above is therefore only a primitive demonstration.
To get a professionally formatted document as above, only you have to do is to prepare a LaTeX input source file as below and to run LaTeX on it.
\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{txfonts,german} \newcommand{\maerchentitel}[1]{\section*{#1}\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{#1}} \newcommand{\untertitel}[1]{\subsection*{#1}\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{#1}} \begin{document} \input bg_khm_1857_103.txt \end{document}
Note: If the txfonts package is not installed in your LaTeX system or you prefer EC fonts to Times Roman, issue only \usepackage{german} command instead of \usepackage{txfonts,german}.
Replace »bg_khm_1857_103.txt« with text_database files which you need. And if there are ck, nolig or nolig_ck versions which realize the k-k hyphenation at the end of the lines if necessary and prevent ligatures in composite words like "Auflage", use these instead of original ones for the precise text processing.
\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{txfonts,german} \newcommand{\maerchentitel}[1]{\section*{#1}\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{#1}} \newcommand{\untertitel}[1]{\subsection*{#1}\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{#1}} \begin{document} \input bg_khm_1857_001_nolig_ck.txt \input bg_khm_1857_002_ck.txt \input bg_khm_1857_003_ck.txt \input bg_khm_1857_028_ck.txt \end{document}
Then you can get exactly formatted documents as below.
And furthermore, a document can be typeset in broken letters just precisely.
The correspondent input source file is as below.
\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{german,lettrine} \usepackage[varumlaut]{khm} \pagestyle{pagekhm} \begin{document} \large \input bg_khm_1819_001_frak.txt \end{document}
Please compare the LaTeX output with the original layout.