Typesetting service of
»Kinder- und Hausmärchen (7. Ausgabe, 1857)«
using LaTeX


Copyright © Yoshi Nagata
Created: 02/18/2008
Updated: <2024-03-21 16:40:08 JST ynagata>
Comment to:mail_address
Special thanks to Prof. Dr. Haruhiko Okumura

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LaTeX source file
Your LaTeX source file: 80.tex

1. Setting to typeset
Select papersize:a4 b5 a5 letter legal executive
Select font:Times Palatino Latin Modern
Select font size:10pt 11pt 12pt
Select column:onecolumn twocolumn
Issue table of contents?:yes no
Put line numbers?:yes no
Put page headers?:yes no
Put hypertext links?:yes (co-works only with "table of contents = yes") no
Select Märchen(s):
Use Ctrl-key to select
more than one Märchen

2. Select a program to run
Create a PDF file from the source Remove related files from the server

3. Ready? Press the button, now!

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Your PDF file will be produced. Please wait for a while. Just click on the underlined *.pdf. You can read and print it with “Adobe Reader”. Get Adobe Reader

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